This months interview is with 'Ocean Warrior' Samantha Hillman...
What inspired you to do what you do?
I started off doing nippers and surfing from a very young age and my love of the ocean grew from there. Spending majority of my spare time as a kid in the water led me to being fortunate enough to see many different marine species. This made me passionate about the ocean and guided me into a career of marine wildlife, conservation, environmental protection and all things animals.
What is your must pack item/s when travelling?
All my holidays are based around the ocean and where I can see new species of marine and terrestrial wildlife that I haven't seen before. Swimmers, mask, fins and my camera are a must on every adventure I go on.
With all your travelling how do you contribute to protecting the environment /flora and fauna?
When I travel I like to use companies that have low carbon foot prints. A significant portion of my travels have been to assist rescue, rehabilitate and release of wildlife. Whilst the trips require some transport it is important to remember a few key essentials, my bamboo cutlery pack, my keep cup and my metal straw. These items seem small, but to cut out the use of single use plastics on every trip I do and they help maintain a positive note when travelling.
What’s next in store for you?
With the current climate with the virus it has really taught me you never know what's around the corner. My career has and will always be in the field of wildlife, conservation, environmental protection, all things animals.
Ok now it’s time for the good the bad and the insane question:
What is one of your Good experiences you can share with us?
One of my best experiences was when I was sent to Busan in South Korea to help set up a rescue, rehabilitation and release centre for the Narrow-ridged Finless porpoise. This work trip was a dream for me. The work is a major step forward for the species in Korean waters. The first porpoise I worked with was named Owal, she was successfully rehabilitated and released after being rescued from being caught in a fishing net. The work we put in for her had a major effect with me, enough so that I named one of my dogs after her.
What is one of your Bad experiences you can share with us?
I got called to a stranding of a single Risso's Dolphin, which is a highly social deep-sea marine mammal. This dolphin was in a bad way and unfortunately had to be euthanised by a vet. This dolphin had an autopsy and what was found was multiple bits of plastic stuck in it's digestive system. This whole situation really brought to life in me the effects plastic is having on our ocean and its inhabitants.
What is one of your most insane experiences you can share with us?
I was sent down the south coast of NSW to help rescue a lost Dugong in Merimbula Lake in 2016. An enormous effort was put in by a range of teams which led to the dugong being rescued from the cold lake and then travelled via a truck to the local airport where we loaded him up into a RAAF Hercules for a dedicated flight up to the Gold Coast. I helped rehabilitate him over a few weeks and then we released him successfully into Moreton Bay, where he was periodically tracked to ensure he was safe. It was an amazing experience to see the dugong survive such an enormous trip down south and all the way back up via the sky to return home. It was an insane experience for every person involved.
And the final fun question (and don't be shy with this one):
What's your most disgusting habit?
I wash my hair every 2-3 days but I actually haven't brushed my hair in over 10 years for some reason I don't get knots.