This months interview is with 'Ocean Warrior' Aneesh Murray...
What inspired you to do what you do?
It sounds really cheesy but I genuinely think I was just born to love the ocean. I didn’t grow up by the sea and none of my family were interested in the water but ever since I can remember I was obsessed with the ocean and it’s inhabitants - dolphins in particular. Now, the nature itself inspires me to introduce people to the underwater world through diving and swimming with amazing creatures such as the whales. It’s hard not to care about what is happening when you see a mother humpback with her baby.
What is your must pack item/s when travelling?
Of course my dive gear but in particular my mask - the Cressi Eyes Evolution. It’s my all time favourite but for anyone who is going in the water I would recommend investing in a good mask. Also coconut oil for hair, skin, pretty much everything. Peppermint essential oil for headaches and cleaning sinuses, a life straw so you don’t have to use plastic bottles and of course my Majestic Whale Encounter jewellery. The whales love it.
With all your travelling how do you contribute to protecting the environment /flora and fauna?
This is a tricky one because of course the travel itself is not the best for the environment. I do try to choose flights/companies who are making efforts to reduce emissions. Although I travel a lot once I am in the country I tend to not move around domestically and walk/cycle whenever possible. I use biodegradable/ natural/ reusable products especially with toiletries and cosmetics and buy good quality items so they don’t need to be replaced as often. I think a big one, especially when in the ocean is suncream so I always choose reef safe - such as Sun Bear.
What’s next in store for you?
Hopefully lots but I am not quite sure when that will be! The ultimate dream would be to build and own a resort as it means I can dive and be in the water every day. That is still a way off so at the moment I’m trying to make sure people who may be considering a dive trip are well informed about the right way to do it. I hope the current global situation means that people will commit to a stronger focus on ethically and environmentally sustainable tourism and I fully intend to be an ambassador for that.
I am in the early stages of launching my own business, The Blue Planet Exploration, where I hope to organise diving excursions with a focus on working with ethically and environmentally conscious operators that aim to reinvest in local communities and also with the intention of imparting my knowledge on people looking for that experience and not just a holiday.
Ok now it’s time for the good the bad and the insane question:
What is one of your Good experiences you can share with us?
I’d say 99% of my experiences are good but one of my most special interactions happened last year with a pod of False Killer Whales in Tonga. We were already having an epic day on the water with a pretty much perfect swim in the morning and an incredible interaction from the boat afterwards but as we were about to start unpacking the lunch we spotted some fins in the break wave and went over to check it out. It turned out to be False Killer Whales. We weren’t sure how they would react to us in the water but it couldn’t of been more amazing. They swam very close, then would dart away then come back and swim alongside us again. The ultimate moment was when one caught a fish, then sharing it between themselves and passed it towards us. That has been one of my most special experiences to date.
What is one of your Bad experiences you can share with us?
I actually haven’t had too many but one time I was involved in a boat crash. Everyone was still strapped into their equipment and sitting with their tanks in the holders which I think was our saving grace. Our small speed boat went into the side of a steel hull yacht. The yacht’s inflatable dingy cushioned the impact and no one was hurt which was extremely lucky. It made me realise how lucky I am to have the life I do and always be grateful as anything could happen.
What is one of your most insane experiences you can share with us?
This was insane in a good and a (mostly) bad way. We were out doing a whale swim, weather wasn’t great it was very misty and windy but the swell was down so we decided to go. We found some very interactive adult whales who were keen to hang around so were enjoying our encounter. One of the guests was tired so I waved for the boat to pick us up. I quickly realised due to the lack of response that something must be wrong so had to swim my guests back to the boat. The whales too had gone off but I could see them in the distance slowly swimming back towards us. That was when I realised Grant was in the water towing the boat by the drift line towards us and the whales were swimming alongside him. Whether it was out of curiosity or a show of support they stayed next to him the whole time and hung around the boat while we drifted, the engine unable to start. We drifted for about 5 hours before help came and it taught me to always take extra snacks.
And the final fun question (and don't be shy with this one):
What's your most disgusting habit?
It’s definitely a common one but peeing in my wetsuit! The minute I even step foot on the boat I need to pee which is why I wear a shortie when possible! So if you are ever swimming behind me watch out!