The lagoon area to the east of Matafonua and Sandy Beach is a very special place. The area is very important to the marine eco-system...
As ocean advocates, we've created the perfect gift in which you know where every single cent is going and what it is doing to protect our oceans...
Their vision is to uplift rural communities through taking care of the environment through projects dedicated to eco sustainability in Sri Lanka.
The Minke Whale Project Fund is a non-profit research fund set up by James Cook University to support research into dwarf minke whale biology, behavior.
We can participate in this project worldwide by taking good identification photographs of whales – notably humpbacks in Antarctica – and a variety of marine mammals.
Using software that compares unique markings on animals, Happywhale can track individual marine life globally which, over time, helps scientists learn about migratory and home-range movements; population growth and decline, and even an individual whale’s survival rates.
Plastic pollution and microplastics in particular are a significant threat to marine ecosystems and human health. The Big Microplastic Survey is a global project that will use citizen science to gather essential data about microplastics.
In Antarctica we will scoop the surface of small sample areas using scientific protocols, taking them back to the ship for sorting, recording and packaging to be sent for further scientific analysis with The Big Microplastic Survey.
Seabird surveys are done at sea or at landing sites and provide data for long-term monitoring of seabirds in the Southern Ocean and Antarctic Peninsula and recorded through eBird.
Guided by our expert ornithologists and naturalists, you can be actively involved in spotting birds at sea, counting while ashore, or scribing for those observing differences in bird species, ages and breeding cycles while contributing valuable data to science.