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You can trust Majestic to wholeheartedly commit to ensuring the well being of our guests and our planet. At Majestic we enable guests to Travel with purpose and believe that through both socially conscious and responsible travel this is the way forward in sustainable tourism. 

In taking this direction, we hope that the knowledge our guests gain through travel will have a positive effect on the places we visit. We also show this through our compassion projects.
Conscious Travel
  • Travel with meaning and purpose
  • Sustainable choices 
  • Authentic experiences
  • Form genuine connections 
  • Local culture
  • Thoughtful, mindful, intentional travel
  • Money spent goes back into the community 
  • Transformative, meaningful, enriching travel
  • Adventurous, wildlife explorations and retreats
  • Connections to the natural world, rich cultures, communities and ourselves 
  • Involvement in Citizen Science programs
  • True definition of luxury is all of the above points
Protect and Connect
  • Responsible travel is conscious travel
  • Discovering new places without negatively impacting them
  • To make a positive impact
  • Tourism that minimises travel’s negative impacts
  • Prioritising people over profit
  • Empowering local communities
  • Feeds the local economy
  • Assists conservation efforts
  • Boosting connections between tourists and locals
  • Abiding by wildlife encounter rules and regulations



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There is more to travel than just experiencing nature in all its glory. Many of these amazing destinations are located in some of the world's poorest countries and eco tourism helps these countries in their efforts to save and preserve their land and oceans through organisations that aim to save our planet. This puts money into the local economy and helps preserve these pristine landscapes. Adventure travelers the world over are needed to support these initiatives with their tourism dollars. So, traveling with an eco-friendly and responsible travel company can have positive changes on animal welfare, social and community welfare and sustainable development... amongst other advantages.

We always endeavor where possible to give back to the local communities we are privileged to visit. By choosing Majestic, you can be assured that you will be part of helping communities, the wildlife and environments - as the communities we visit allow us into their homes, villages and lives we take home a very special life long memory and new appreciation and leave a little behind in return.

We invite you to have a look at what programs and charities we are currently working with…
If you’d like to make an extra contribution, please get in touch with us, as we all know,
every little cent counts and every person can make a difference.


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What is a Citizen Science program?
Citizen science is the practice of public participation and collaboration in scientific research to increase scientific knowledge. Through citizen science, people share and contribute to data monitoring and collection programs

Majestic offers the chance to participate in Citizen Science programs on some of our tours. Antarctica is one destination where Citizen Science can be a great way to become involved, to educate yourself further, enrich your curiosity and expand your understanding and your knowledge of the South Pole region. There is no better learning opportunity than being in the field with the experts!

This program is designed to be an interactive experience and a way to share discoveries with like minded travelers as well as deepen your connection with the natural world. 

By taking part you can provide invaluable data to the scientific community and make a difference by becoming an ambassador for the protection of our beautiful planet and sharing what you have learnt to others.

Below are examples of Citizen Science Projects in Antarctica...

Your contribution can make
a difference today...

Make a difference and travel with purpose today...

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